What is your relationship to change?

I feel like the word 'change' has been the theme for this year. So much change and still much change to come. What's your relationship like with change? Love it? Hate it? Indifferent?

When we become overly attached to something, we can lose sight of being open to other pathways or how something needs to unfold. Our attachment creates rigidity. Rigidity serves a purpose - often to protect us from something we fear or a loss of something we love deeply. At the same time, rigidity can keep us from being open and flexible to what's next.

I love change in some areas of life, and in other places, I struggle. When making sure my basic needs get met, and change introduces itself, it can cause anxiety when the unknown is prevalent. Fear sets in, and worry about how to protect myself becomes my focus. Change can also be exhilarating, refreshing and permit a full reset in certain areas of my life.

The latter experience has been more challenging to access this year with so many moving pieces, and yet I can still see the slivers of light of positive things unfolding. It's always a balance and knowing how to bring ourselves back into balance is our strength.

This week we are being asked to assess our relationship to control and if we can be more fluid in our responses when things don't go as planned. We all are getting good practice through all of the twists and turns this year has brought.

Being flexible doesn't mean not having values around what is important to us, but it does ask us to be open to how things want to reveal themselves. New ideas, opportunities, and experiences await us if we can receive them in ways that we hadn't expected.

How do you handle change?

What does being flexible with change look like for you?

What do you need to feel safe with so much change happening around you?

Stand firm in who you are and your core values, but be flexible with what your life looks like externally. Just like trees have deep roots, their branches sway with the wind. This week notice how firmly rooted you are in YOU and how to strengthen YOU as you feel the breeze flowing through you. Let it move you to the people and places that will serve you better as we all continue to flow through many of life's changes.

I like to do check in's with myself when I'm in the midst of transition. Do I have a roof over my head? Do I have money in the bank? Do I have food? Do I have support from family or friends?

Doing this check-in reminds me that this moment is all we are ever guaranteed. If I'm taken care of at this moment, then I find gratitude, and it lessens the anxiety of worry for what may or may not happen.

Keep being flexible with change as it arises in your life, and be open to supporting others through their transitions too. We are better together.




My Personal Story with Fear


St. Nectan's Glen