Emotions are energy in motion. When you think about finding relief from an energetic pileup what emotion first comes to your mind that you need to address?



Just as our bodies need cleaning, our energy field also requires rinsing.

We don’t realize when experiences are undigested on a conscious level, and the energy cycle doesn’t complete that this can become stuck in our aura and energy field. Stagnant vitality will affect how we see the world and how the world sees us. It can impact our behavior in ways that need more awareness that could be blocking our movement forward. When we are stuck in life, our energy system can be a significant factor if our chakras are over or under active and need balancing.

This work is achieved together.

I will create the container and be the conduit of energy and intuition to help you turn inward to find relaxation and insights from your internal GPS. Your heart and body know what it needs, and our time together will help reveal the following action steps with clarity and confidence to step forward with more fluidity.

These sessions are designed to bring clarity around 1-2 concerns you’ve faced that you are looking for relief from. They are great sessions for energy tune-ups so that the energy doesn’t pile up and create unnecessary challenges in your life. 

Everyone has a different experience with Reiki. Some feel warmth, coolness, tingling, and/or deep relaxation.

As long as you set your intention and stay open to how the energy wants to support you, you’ll receive precisely what you need before, during, and after our session together. 

Reiki is an ancient hands-on healing technique. Energy healing can also be done just as effectively distantly. I practice Holy Fire Reiki which respects your free will, is loving, nurturing, and will focus on the level of consciousness that is ready to awaken within you. You hold the answers within you of what you need regarding healing in mind, body & spirit - I’m here to guide you back to yourself to remember what you already know but is obscured through the societal and familial programming, traumas, beliefs, and unresolved emotions.  




  • “Laura is a gifted healer. Her ability to listen deeply and see the other person authentically enables her to give clear and simple advice that is both grounding and guiding. I've always felt a bit lighter and more hopeful after a session with her. She understands, too, the powerful integration of mind, body, and soul, and that shifting one requires the others. She's not afraid to be brave or compassionate. Much needed in a world where we are asking for more of both.”

    Sarah, Portland, OR

  • “My sessions with Laura really helped a lot. They really helped me release a lot of stuck energy and thought patterns and it has been really really super helpful.”

    Tracy, Burbank, CA